About the “Queen”

n5519989_34759256_3097So…you are probably wondering about the blog title.  It’s actually a title of a book that I started years ago, and have yet to finish. And no, I’m not full of myself. I just think it’s a catchy title. Okay, well maybe I am just a little full of myself. But you kind of have to be to have an entire website dedicated to you.

In any case, this blog was created in order to replace my exising guilt of having such little time to dedicate to the book. The book was meant to be a book of dating stories, not anything that has to do with the glamourous world of pageantry…although I believe the WE channel covers something of that nature.  Anyhow, this blog/book has to do with a number of things, the major one being what it means (or meant) to be a young woman dating in her 30’s …and a complication of stories that led me to where I am today. But this blog is also for anyone who knows, or maybe wants to understand more, what it means to date, to experience heartache, and still get up in the morning and smile and want to do it all over again. Not because we are maschoists. But because, although we get up, go to work or school, come home, eat, write blogs about ourselves …what we really want at the end of the day is to find that person that starts our engine, puts butterflies in our stomach and makes us want to sing a song on top of a mountain Julie Andrews-style.

My family and friends, time and again, request that I write  my stories down, because they say, “Flynn, you just can’t make this stuff up!”.  But there aren’t just funny stories here, there are times when I need to be serious. So in the midst of the serious stories, I also put some funny stories in there, which believe me, are entirely true. True, but humorous. I do not use real names; I like to protect the identities of those involved; plus, I really didn’t feel like calling up all of my ex-boyfriends and asking their permission to use their real names in a blog on my dating experiences. That would be a little on the side of crazy.  And plus, I don’t want to think that I stalk them or anything. I can do enough of that via Facebook. So, where I can, I will use fake names, or just something simple, like “he” or “that jerk that ruined my life”.

Currently, I’m a real, live married woman in her 30’s living in Boston. I was single when I started this blog, and you will see how the stories evolved and came full circle. I also have enough stake in my past experiences that do not allow me to forget of what it meant to be single. I was in fact a Homecoming Queen in high school (the year is not important!). But you will find out along the way, that the crown doesn’t guarantee you the guy in the end. But it does guarantee quite a bit of learning lessons and a number of good stories. Enjoy!

11 responses to “About the “Queen”

  1. Laura D. Crandall

    This is awesome Leah!!!!

  2. Kelly Clark

    You are a pretty good little writer! I actually read it and enjoyed it! I’m proud of you Shmea!

  3. Julie

    oh, i do love this blog so very very much!!! well done!

  4. greg Fritz

    Your humor rivals mine….i just can’t grasp the english launge like you can. well done! PS.. less time bloging =more time man hunting

  5. Jennah

    oh Leah! how I miss you! I love how you have the ability to crack me up from miles away. I was reading your blog thinking “dang, she is so funny and these blogs remind me of Jenny McCarthy’s books; Leah should write a book out of this material”… then, alas, I find out that is how this all started… I’m bookmarking it for sure. I miss you!

  6. michelle mason

    wow, you haven’t changed at all since hs… you are still a funny, sweet person leah… i love the stories, very funny

  7. Paul Cleary

    Nice writing Leah, what I’ve read so far has def kept me entertained. I hope all is well on the quad.

  8. Christine

    Oh my Leah you are crazy, but I LOVE the site!!!

    From one single 30 something gal to another CONGRATS!!!!

    Look forward to reading lots more and one day being in line at a bookstore to have you autograph my copy as I tell others in line I knew you when….and the stories I could but won’t share (that is until the movie rights are bought…well then…no guarantees unless a slight rewrite is made giving a certain friend a small part in the movie)
    LOL love it all and good luck

  9. Justin

    I’m proud to say that you’re my aunt. I still don’t believe women should be allowed to vote..

    love ya!

  10. Wow, I’ve been enjoying your blog posts and before I knew your name, I kept thinking how much I related to every quirk you wrote about–and then you identified yourself as a “Leah” and I flipped since that is also my name. Kinda random. I only have a professional blog–but if I had a personal one, I would want mine to be like yours (and frankly, I think there is only room in this web for one Queen Leah) – I tend to go by Princess Leah anyway. You’re a funny, terrific writer. Good luck with the book!

  11. Alice

    What a wonderful story about Homer. Thanks for sharing and thanks for reminding me what life is really all about.

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